Monday, September 29, 2014

Letter Project Reflection _(:з」∠)_

  • Describe your process when creating your letter project. How was the process helpful or not so helpful to you?

Despite all the troubles I had gone through with the drafting process, I have to admit that it was pretty helpful in coming up with my final design. Since I had to change my design multiple times due to reasons like lack of concept, too hard to create etc, I found the thumbnail sketches really helpful because they gave me a variety of options/backups to choose from. The gallery walk activity we did was also pretty beneficial to me as it provided me with feedback from my classmates. I got to see what other people thought of my project and was able to improve from their suggestions.

  • How did you arrive with your concept/idea for your letter? How did you represent this concept visually in your design? (Give 2 examples)

Trying to come up with my concept/idea was actually the hardest part for me. I had come up with many different ideas throughout the course of the drafting process but had to abandon almost all of them. I originally thought of using a paper clip and bending it into the shape of J, however, the idea was abandoned along all the other ones due to the lack of concept. Luckily, my dog inspired me one day as I was staring into space trying to come up with a new design. From the way he was sitting, I was able to vaguely make out the letter "J" and that was how I settled on my current design. In order to make the letter more obvious, I had to alter some parts of the dog such as elongating the tail as well as the body (it kind of looks like a fox now..but I guess it's okay..) Since the dog is portrayed sitting, his body then represents the vertical chunk of the letter "J". Not only that, I also elongated and curved the tail to make it look more like "J" and not just a vertical line.

  • What was the most challenging aspect of the project for you? Why?

Aside from coming up with the concept, I would say the most challenging part was probably drawing the fur. It took me 3 class periods and I still had to take it home. Since I didn't want the dog to look cartoonish, I watched a few tutorials on how to draw fur (but they didn't really help..) So the body of the dog ended up looking like a tree trunk for at least 3 days, until I consulted with Ms.Lee and was able to make it more realistic by adding in&shading with different colors.

  • Are you satisfied with the project? Explain your answer.

Overall I am pretty satisfied with my project. Though the dog didn't turn out as realistic as I expected it to be, I guess it did succeed in representing my concept as well as the letter. Also, I was able to improve my drawing skills through this project, especially my ability to shade.

  • If you can change anything about your design, what would you change or do differently?

If I could change anything about my design, I guess I would force my dog into that sitting position again and take a picture of him. That way I would have something to reference to when I'm drawing, especially the shadows created by the lighting and the texture of his fur to make my drawing more realistic, because right now it still looks a bit cartoonish.

                                               in progress

                                            final product


  1. I like the texture you have given to your dog. It creates a more realistic vibe and the tongue adds a cuteness addition to the design.

    1. Thanks man. I did the tongue on purpose haha.

  2. To connect with your answer to the second question, I was actually wondering where your inspiration came from for this project since I often saw you struggling with how to enhance the concept and the design itself. It's nice to see that someone else also grabs inspiration from things they see as well as things they've seen before. I totally understand your struggle with this project, after all, I had to abandon some of my previous ideas too.


  4. I love the idea of doing a fox as your letter. I can see that you put a lot of detail and work into creating the fur of the fox. The level of detail adds to the complexity of your project. It makes it more interesting to look at it because of the amount of detail.

  5. Your design is very unique and i love the detail. I love how you had to put every strand of hair and the final really shows that it was worth it. If you filled in the hair any other way, it wouldnt have turned out as great as it is now.

  6. Haha <3 I thought your dog design was creative because a dog sitting up is a natural pose. Since I knew you put a lot of effort in it (even during very late at night), I'm glad it came out well :)!

    P.S. You don't have to change it, but your font is kind of hard to read :/

    BYE <3

    1. Thanks<33 and yeah i'll probably change it later

  7. I like how you drew the fur with such careful detail and how you blended it in the final drawing. I think it's really creative and it's cool that you used your pet as inspiration!

  8. It's so cool that you were able to think of the dog sitting up so that it was in the shape of your letter. Your shading really improved between the first draft and your final. I noticed that you smoothed out the colors and really brings out that "soft fur" feeling. I can see that you spent a lot of time perfecting this project and it really paid off!

    1. Thanks! I really like yours also, and I found it really unique that you chose to do like a combination of photography and drawing.

  9. its so cute and I like how the dog is in a awkward position so that it forms a letter. It is a cute idea and i like how the details of the dog like the fur is super detailed and has a variety of colors to show depth! :3

    1. Thanks! Yours is really detailed also and I love your color choices.

  10. I think you should maybe make the feet a little shorter. It is a bit awkward sticking out. In addition, one way to make it look more like a J is to add fences near the head area and make it brown and leave all other areas green or other colors to create contrast. Good job Jessica :D

    1. Thanks for the advice, I'll work on the proportion next time.

  11. Your animal is so cute :) I think you colored it really nice to make it looks like actual fur. I like!!

  12. The animal you drew is so adorable! The way you color it also makes the animal look very realistic. The letter design is almost hidden when you first look at it since the animal design really stand out. But overall the design is very creative and unique!
