Monday, September 29, 2014

Inspirations in life ☆

Of all the motivations/inspirations I have in life, I would say one of my biggest ones was my neighborhood in Chicago. I especially loved the park, since it contained the majority of my childhood memories. I can still clearly recall spending my summer nights near the pond, hanging out or simply relaxing with my friends. I learned how to fish there also :P The tranquil environment would distract us temporarily from our burdens by forcing us to realize and appreciate how marvelous nature can be (When we lay on the grass and stare into the night sky). I enjoyed those moments of peace as they allow me to think rationally and sometimes even ponder on life.
The park is approximately 37.42 acres and has a baseball court, two retention ponds and three softball diamonds as its amenities. 


  1. Oh wow, I didn't know you lived in Chicago, how exciting!
    I really like how you included images to give me some visual view on how your old neighborhood look like. It seems very nice and wonderful, I hope you will get to go back there soon and see your inspiration! ^^

  2. It looks so peaceful! There aren't many places in NYC like this~ Hehe, I wanna visit!
